Beth Moshier

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Simple Self-Care Strategies for a Happier, Healthier You by Brad Krause

A quick note from Beth:

I am thrilled to share an article written by Brad Krause especially for this blog. After spending most of his time in a corporate setting and neglecting his own self-care far too long, Brad embraced his calling and decided to become a full-time life coach. He now spends the rest of his life helping people get a better foothold on their wellness above all else.

Simple Self-Care Strategies for a Happier, Healthier You

Massages, manicures, and long weekends at the beach — that’s what self-care looks like, right? Not necessarily. Although any of these activities can be part of a healthy self-care routine, self-care can also mean doing little things for yourself every day, such as exercising, sleeping, and saying “no.” Today’s blog on self-care is just one of Beth Moshier’s many free resources to help you live your best life. 


Quick Overview

No time to read? Here’s the skinny:

  • We overlook self-care. We should not.

  • Self-care isn't just a luxury.

  • You’re probably not getting enough sleep.

  • Gyms aren’t necessary for a great workout.

  • Make the coffee date. You need time with friends. 

  • Relaxing is necessary for a healthier mind and body.


Why Do I Overlook Self-Care?

That’s a great question, and it can be answered in three simple words: You are busy. Today’s women (and men) are busier than ever, and we often feel like we have to forgo sleep, exercise, and meal preparation to handle our responsibilities to everyone else. But this is a quick path to being run down, and today is your day to allow yourself to come first.


Self-Care Made Simple

Maybe you don’t have time for a weekly massage or a monthly sabbatical. But you do have to prioritize making time for other self-care acts, such as:


  • Exercise. At the start of the pandemic, many of us lost our fitness facilities. But if you have access to ultra-fast internet, you can work out anywhere right from your desktop, laptop, or handheld device. Just half an hour each day, which can be broken up into two 15-minute workouts, will do you a world of good both mentally and physically.

  • Sleep. Working out is crucial, but you also have to sleep, so plan to wrap up your exercise routine a few hours before lights out. This will help your mind and body settle down so that you can condition yourself for an earlier bedtime. Sleep restores every cell in the body and ensures you have the mental stamina to handle the day. Give yourself an extra hour each night, and you may see a boost in productivity as well as your mood.

  • Socializing. Regardless of your age, socializing is crucial for your health. Plan an afternoon each week to spend time with friends or extended family so that you can break away from your daily grind. Even something as simple as an online coffee meet and mingle will do wonders for your soul and may even help you grow your business if you’re an entrepreneur.

  • Relaxing. The idea of relaxing is something we often daydream about but rarely do. But you really should spend more time doing nothing. As the Planet Beach blog explains, relaxing can help lower stress, which can have a positive effect on your immune system, blood pressure, and overall health. It’ll help you think more clearly, level out your emotions, and improve your workday efficiency.

 Other self-care ideas include adding a supplement or multivitamin to your daily diet and rejecting time-consuming requests for your assistance. A multivitamin can help you replenish your nutritional stores, which can give you more energy, greater vitality, and even healthier skin and hair. Saying “no,” which many women often find difficult, will take stress off your plate and put you in charge of your time.

 At the end of the day, prioritizing your own self-care is one thing you can do to improve your life, as well as that of those who depend on you. Overlooked activities, such as relaxing, socializing, and snoozing for an extra 60 minutes, can make all the difference in the world. Don’t believe us? Pick one of these and try it for a week — your body will thank you!

I don’t know about you, but I found a bunch of ideas from Brad’s article and am adding them to my self-care bucket list right now. Stay tuned for more wellness and self-love related blog posts coming in the near future. And as always, leave a comment if there’s something you’d like me to cover on a future post.

Until then, sending all the light & love your way,
Beth ♡